Toy asynchronous implementation
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Dmitri Volkov
2024-09-29 20:56:46 UTC
Wrote a toy implementation of asynchronous programming using
continuations. Posting here in case anyone might find it interesting:

(define pop-effect!
(lambda (es)
(match (unbox es)
[`() `(exit (void))]
[`(,a . ,d)
(set-box! es d)

(define queue-effect!
(lambda (e es)
(append (unbox es) (list e)))))

(define handle-effects
(lambda (es)
(let ([eh (let/cc k k)])
(match (pop-effect! es)
[`(exit ,any) any]
[`(wait-until ,time ,k)
[(> (current-milliseconds) time)
(k `(effect-info ,eh ,es))
(eh eh))]
(queue-effect! `(wait-until ,time ,k) es)
(eh eh))])]
[`(output ,s ,k)
(println s)
(k `(effect-info ,eh ,es))
(eh eh))]
[`(continue ,k)
(k `(effect-info ,eh ,es))
(eh eh))]))))

(define exit
(lambda (any ei)
(match-let ([`(effect-info ,eh ,es) ei])
(queue-effect! `(exit ,any) es)
(eh eh)))))

(define wait
(lambda (ms ei)
(match-let ([`(effect-info ,eh ,es) ei])
(let/cc k
(queue-effect! `(wait-until ,(+ (current-milliseconds) ms)
,k) es)
(eh eh))))))

(define output
(lambda (s ei)
(match-let ([`(effect-info ,eh ,es) ei])
(let/cc k
(queue-effect! `(output ,s ,k) es)
(eh eh))))))

(define continue
(lambda (ei)
(match-let ([`(effect-info ,eh ,es) ei])
(let/cc k
(queue-effect! `(continue ,k) es)
(eh eh))))))

(define run
(lambda (l)
(lambda (f)
`(continue ,f))
(handle-effects (box initial-effects)))))

; example of use

(lambda (ei)
(wait 5000 ei)
(output "a" ei)))
(lambda (ei)
(wait 3000 ei)
(output "c" ei)))
(lambda (ei)
(wait 500 ei)
(output "b" ei)))))
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
2024-09-29 23:34:07 UTC
Post by Dmitri Volkov
Wrote a toy implementation of asynchronous programming using
Continuations can be used to implement

* coroutines
* loop constructs
* exceptions

but not

* arbitrary gotos.

They truly are the universal control construct!

I implemented them in GXScript <https://bitbucket.org/ldo17/gxscript/>,
which is my attempt to create a more modern PostScript derivative (sans
the graphics API), with proper lexical binding and some conveniences to
try to make stack-based programming a little less error-prone.
