B. Pym
2024-08-30 17:09:35 UTC
I don't need a general purpose transformation, just some guidelines to
follow when I see code like this.
General guideline: Look for a solution that uses LOOP. ;)follow when I see code like this.
(defun diff3 (list)
(let ((avg (loop for element in list
sum element into sum
count t into length
finally (return (/ sum length)))))
(loop for element in list
collect (- element avg))))
(define (diff3 lst)
(let ((len 0) (sum 0))
(dolist (x lst) (inc! len) (inc! sum x))
(map (cute - <> (/ sum len)) lst)))
(diff3 '(1 2 3 4 5))
(-2 -1 0 1 2)